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COVID-19 – Situation and Solutions

As many of you are aware, Clay Jenkins, Dallas County Judge ordered “Shelter In Place” for all DALLAS County Residents to go into effect as of midnight tonight. This order explains that all “non essential” business should also close as part…

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Remodeling and Permits Go Hand-in-Hand

Spring is just around the corner!  It is typically one of the busiest times for home improvement projects.  Before you undertake a big project, you must be aware of the rules in the City of Richardson regarding permits.  Believe it…

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Creating Curb Appeal

We all know you never get a second chance to make a good first impression and that first impressions are indeed lasting ones.  So, when it comes to finding the best way to showcase your home, creating curb appeal is always…

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Water Heater Options Available Today

A water heater may not be the most glamorous appliance, but it is essential in every home. Each day we take showers, do dishes and wash laundry. None of these activities could be completed without a water heater. Homeowners tend…

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Landscape Lighting Finishes the Look

A beautifully landscaped yard is not an accident. Homeowners achieve this look through hours of back-breaking work and consistent attention to every stray weed and leggy annual or though hiring expensive landscape architects and lawn maintenance teams. Therefore, outdoor lights…

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