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4 Signs It May be Time to Remodel Your Bathroom

Homeowners: Consider Updating Your Bathrooms as Your Plano, TX Homes Age. 

In terms of home remodeling in Plano, TX,  bathrooms are often the most ignored room in the house. While the bathroom may be the least visible room in your home,  that’s no reason to ignore it. It’s a room that should not only serve its purpose, but create a safe, comfortable and relaxing environment as well.

When it’s dangerous, cramped, dull, or no longer works for members of your household, it’s time to improve its functionality and consider a bath remodel that suits your needs and wants. It should be a place to renew your body, mind, and spirit, yet how often do you go in and come out feeling that way? That nagging feeling of wanting to transform it into an updated, tranquil retreat is one sign that it needs improvement.

Here are four additional indicators that it might be time to remodel your bathroom:

  1. When it’s not safe

The bathroom should be a safe place for you and your family. However, according to the National Safety Council, at least 20,000 people are injured in their bathrooms each year, and a majority of them are children. The most common bathroom accidents are slipping and falling.

If someone in your family has already slipped or fallen, or if you constantly place throw rugs and towels on the floor to absorb water, it’s probably time to correct the problem at the source. Wet floors can be caused by broken faucets, leaking pipes, and poorly designed shower enclosures that allow water to go where it shouldn’t. Cracked floor tiles and ripped linoleum are tripping hazards that should be replaced. Remodeling the bathroom is an opportunity to fix these problems and eliminate the hazards.

  1. When it feels claustrophobic

When your bathroom is cramped and crowded and starts to make you feel claustrophobic, it’s probably time to turn it into the spacious, luxurious room you see in the magazines.

While you might not be able to do much about the dimensions of the room, rearranging or changing the fixtures to make better use of the available space can make it seem more roomy and comfortable. For example, replacing a large bathtub with a shower stall can give you more floor space, and replacing a vanity with a pedestal sink can give you more wall space. Towel racks and built-in shelves can reduce the clutter that makes a room feel like it’s closing in on you.

Installing mirrors, better lighting, and storage features can also make the bathroom look and feel bigger. If the bathroom feels too closed in and cramped, it may be time to remodel and make the room feel lighter, brighter, and more open.

  1. When it’s dull and unattractive

Even the most colorful bathrooms get boring in time, especially if they don’t have a focal point or unifying theme. However, you don’t need color as much as you need current and attractive fixtures and décor. Sinks, faucets, tubs, toilets, and hardware that’s a few decades old can appear utilitarian and drab. When the paint or wallpaper has faded, when formerly shiny surfaces are dull and scratched, or when you start to think about how ugly the room is, it’s time to make a change.

Many bathrooms can be rescued simply by replacing dated sinks, tubs, toilets, and countertops with new models in modern colors or styles. Some bathrooms will also require electrical upgrades such as new wiring and lights. Rooms that are merely drab can be spruced up with light-colored paint applied creatively, for example, by painting each of the walls with complementary colors. Some of the most popular looks for modern bathrooms include recreating a spa-look with peaceful colors and natural materials. When your bathroom is dull and drab and does not provide the feeling of a spa or retreat, it’s a sign that it needs remodeling.

  1. When someone develops physical impairments

Safety, comfort, and usability are key concerns for elderly people and those with physical limitations. Your old bathroom may not be safe or easy to use for a family member who is frail, who loses their balance easily, or whose motor control is limited.

It may be time for a walk-in tub, shower stall, or wetroom with a built-in seat. Raised toilets, handrails, and nonslip floors can make the room safer, while brighter lights and bigger mirrors can help those whose vision isn’t what it used to be. If there is someone in your household whose physical condition has changed due to age, illness, or injury, it’s probably time to make major changes to the bathroom.

BRYJO is full-service roofing and home remodeling company with design/build capability. By providing quality craftsmanship and unparalleled customer service, BRYJO enhances both the beauty and livability of a space for years to come. Our clients always “love where they live.”  Visit our website at or our profile on 


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